Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Identity and Place

I picked this place because it's the spot that I always go to when I need to use a computer or study. It's the psychology computer lab that only psychology students can use. It's more quiet and I know for sure that I would have a computer to use. I'm here the most often also because I commute and don't really stay on campus after my classes. I'm a psychology major so I'm always in this building for my classes.

This is how the computer looks from the back side and the iPod is representing me sitting there. People would obviously will see me, but they know that when someone is using a computer that they won't bother them. Unless it's someone I know then they will come bother me.

This is the front side of the computer and this is what you'll see when you're walking into the room. I'm also currently on this computer right now typing up my blog. Once again, my iPod is representing the back side of me. So I'm pretty much something people will see, but will not bug. This is my place to study and do homework and my iPod represents who I am.

And lastly, this is a side view of the computer. This is how I'm usually like sitting in front of the computer. Laid back and not worrying much. I chose the the subject psychology is because that's what I'm studying in college for four years. It plays an important role in my life because that's what I'll pursue in my future after I graduate. I chose my iPod as the object is because music plays a large role in my life too. I'm constantly listening to music from driving in the car to walking to class to doing homework. Without music, I feel like it's just incomplete. There will always be silence and quietness. Music has different genres and it can also define my mood.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This Is Me!

In this picture, it may seem that I use technology a lot and I do. I appreciate everything that I own and usually use it for a long time. I work two jobs in order to buy some of the things I have on here. So it's another reason why I appreciate them even more. I also value friendships a lot, so that is why I have a few pictures of my closest friends. I also chose this background because it describes my personality. It's dark, but yet bright at the same time. The brightness describes my happy and bubbly personality most of the time and the dark colors describes me when I'm down. I put my family in the center and everything around it because I value my family the most. Even though I only have sushi and a fruit tart cake as my food, there are a lot more other types of food that I enjoy. But as of right now, it's my top favorite food right now. I hope this picture has helped you get to know a better understanding of what kind of person I am.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ten Objects

Family: I chose my family because they are always there for me. They made me into who I am. Without my parents, I wouldn't even be alive today.
Description: Unity

Friends: I chose friends because they also shaped me into who I am today. I can't imagine my life without them because I can always count on them to pull me through a bad day.
Description: Appreciation

Ipod: I chose my iPod because I'm always using it. Walking to class, driving to school or anywhere! It helps me start out the day right. Listening to different genre of music depends on my mood at the moment and it also comforts me.
Description: Soothing

Phone: I chose my phone because this device is like stuck with me at all times. I have this more than my iPod and it helps me keep in touch with people and I use this as an alarm to wake up for classes or work.
Description: Communication

Camera: I chose this because I don't have a iPhone and I enjoying taking pictures. I bring this with me almost everywhere I go, but don't use it half of the time. It captures moments that I would forget in the long run. I can always look back at the pictures and remember the good times.
Description: Memories

Laptop: I chose this because I use this everyday. This is what I use to check my email, facebook, carmen, just anything! Without this, I would be a mess and wouldn't know what's going in the world.
Description: Resource

Car: I chose this because my car takes me everywhere I need to go. Without my car, I would just stay at home and be bored to death. It takes me to my destination and protects me from the bad weather.
Description: Magic Carpet

Bible: I chose this because I read this every night and it let me get a better glimpse of who God is and what He is capable of. Reading it comforts me that no matter what that He is always there for me. I can always count on Him to fall on and love me no matter what.
Description: The Truth

Forever 21: I chose this place because this is pretty much the only place I shop at. Whenever I'm in the mall, I would usually just go to this store. Most of my clothes are from there and I love their clothes.
Description: Fashion

Food: I chose this because I love food! I can't live without it and I would always snack even when I'm not hungry. Sometimes it can be comforting food if I'm having a bad day. My pantry would always be full because I work at a supermarket and I would always buy new things to try.
Description: Comforting

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Journey to Class

This is the typical day of how I get to Art Education 252 every other morning. I would leave my house around 8:40am to go to Christie's house because we would carpool to school. Every Monday she would drive to school and every Wednesday I would drive to school. When I have this class, I would wake up super early because there's always traffic getting to Christie's house and sometimes to school because that's when everyone goes to work. So usually I would feel like I'm in a rush to get to her house and wait for her to come out so we can get to school. And somehow every time when we arrive at school, we only have 10 - 15 minutes before class starts. We would start off speed walking then end up running to class because we don't want to be late. We always arrived to class out of breath and look at what time to see if we were late or not.
As you can see in the first picture, I'm driving out of my neighborhood to go to Christie's and it was a foggy morning. Then I would take 315 S and there would always be traffic and I feel like no matter how early I leave, I'm always stuck in the traffic. In the third and fourth picture is when Christie and I already parked and speed walking to class. We would see the cross walk and hope to tell us that we can cross the street before we start to check the time to see if we need to start running yet. Then we finally see the stadium and wished that our legs were longer or that we could have parked closer, so we wouldn't have to walk as much. And finally we arrive to class on time, but out of breath!

In the picture above, I used photoshop to create this image. Even though it looks like one picture, but I used four different layers for each picture to make it look how my day starts to when I get to class. Then I added text to it describe what's going on so whoever is looking at this picture wouldn't get confused. It was hard to get make all the pictures the same size, but I kept changing my scale to make it perfect. Then adding the text and the color of the text points out my personality. This was my first time really using photoshop, so I'm glad it was a easy project to start with. 

I feel like I don't pay much attention to my surroundings when I'm getting to this class because I'm so focused on getting to class on time and don't really look around. But today was different because we are doing a project on how we get to class and what we pay attention to and what we miss. Today, we stopped and took some pictures of our surroundings and made me realized how much I'm missing out on what's around me because I'm just focused on getting to class on time. Usually I would see these things, but not really pay attention to it and just glance at it. The usual things I would see are cars, lights and stadium.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wexner Center: Soft Palate

So today I went to the Wexner Center with Christie and the only thing that opened was The Box. We went in to watch Martin Arnold's Soft Palate and it was three minute and ten seconds long. At first, we didn't know what was going on and it was dark and there was some kind of noises coming from the screen. We didn't know what to expect and thought something was going to jump out or something. What we first saw was Mickey Mouse's gloves and shoes:
Then more and more of Mickey Mouse's body starts to show:
His mouth starts showing and the sound becomes a snoring sound which means Mickey Mouse and sleeping and soon will be awake.

Mickey Mouse is now awake and startled of what is going on. I think Martin Arnold's big idea is that even though we all know who Mickey Mouse is, but when he shows us bits and parts of Mickey Mouse it doesn't register to us right away that it's Mickey Mouse. He slowly builds up who he is showing and at the end we know who he is showing.