Tuesday, October 18, 2011

This Is Me!

In this picture, it may seem that I use technology a lot and I do. I appreciate everything that I own and usually use it for a long time. I work two jobs in order to buy some of the things I have on here. So it's another reason why I appreciate them even more. I also value friendships a lot, so that is why I have a few pictures of my closest friends. I also chose this background because it describes my personality. It's dark, but yet bright at the same time. The brightness describes my happy and bubbly personality most of the time and the dark colors describes me when I'm down. I put my family in the center and everything around it because I value my family the most. Even though I only have sushi and a fruit tart cake as my food, there are a lot more other types of food that I enjoy. But as of right now, it's my top favorite food right now. I hope this picture has helped you get to know a better understanding of what kind of person I am.

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